News and Announcements

Braille Trivia Night with Braille Literacy Canada - June 17 @ 5:30pm EST

Are you carrying around all kinds of fun and random facts about braille and don’t know what to do with them? Do you wish Jeopardy would occasionally have a category all about braille? Looking for a way to have some braille fun with friends from across the country? Brush up on braille tidbits, bring your favourite snacks, and join us for another rendition of the BLC trivia tea time / night (depending on where you are!)

This event will be loads of fun, whether you’re a lifelong braille reader, teacher or transcriber looking to show off your tricky trivia skills, or a newer adult braille learner looking to show ‘em what you’ve got while learning some fun braille facts along the way!

The 2022 BLC trivia event will take place on Friday, June 17th at 5:30 PM Eastern (2:30pm Pacific, 3:30pm Mountain/Saskatchewan, 4:30pm Central, 6:30pm Atlantic) and will include 3 surprise rounds of trivia plus an extra bonus wager question!

All participants will be randomly sorted into teams – come celebrate braille while having fun!

Note that although trivia is taking place on the same day as the BLC braille symposium, these are two separate events. You must register for the trivia event using the below details if you wish to attend, as your symposium registration will not include trivia.

We hope to see you there!

Register to join the BLC trivia event!

The deadline to register for trivia is Sunday, June 12th. Registration is completely free for both members and non-members alike.

Please write to if you have any questions.

We can’t wait to welcome you – Register today!