Programs & Services
Brailler Bounce
The venerable Perkins Brailler has, since its introduction in 1951, revolutionized writing for the blind. The braillewriter of choice for schools, transcribers, and home users, the Perkins Brailler makes it easy, convenient, and quick to produce braille materials.
Through the Brailler Bounce Initiative, Braille Literacy Canada works to get unused Perkins Braillers out of dark and long-forgotten storage places and into the hands of braille users who need them and can put them to good use!
Whether you have a brailler to give away or you would like to acquire a brailler, BLC can help!
If you are interested in receiving a brailler, or you have one to donate, please write to our Brailler Bounce coordinator at!

How it works
A brailler is
A person, company, or organization finds an unused brailler in their closet and donates it to BLC.
The brailler gets a checkup
The brailler is tested and, if cleaning or repairs are required, sent out for servicing.
The brailler finds a new home
Once everything is in working order, the brailler is re-homed to a child or adult in Canada who has expressed a need for one.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can apply to receive a Perkins brailler?
Any person in Canada who knows or is learning braille and who could benefit from the use of a braillewriter is eligible to participate in this program. We do make an effort to priotize those who have an immediate and more pressing need (such as where the brailler is required for school or work).
How long will it take for me to receive my brailler?
The answer to that question depends on the number of braillers that we currently have in stock. If we do not have any braillers waiting to be sent out, you may have to wait until somebody donates another brailler. You will be put on a waiting list and when a brailler becomes available, we will contact you to see if you would still like to receive it.
Is there any cost to acquiring a brailler through the Brailler Bounce Initiative?
No. Braillewriters are provided free of charge to those who need them.
Do you accept donations of or have any braille embossers, smart braillers, electric braillers, or other braille-writing devices available?
No. The Brailler Bounce Initiative is strictly for the recycling and re-homing of Perkins braillewriters. We do not, at present, collect, refurbish, or redistribute other braille devices.
Can I send my own brailler to be repaired?
The intent of the Brailler Bounce Initiative is not simply to provide free repair and maintenance services for existing braillers, but instead to get braillers into the hands of those who do not currently have access to them. We can, however, provide you with information on various individuals and organizations across Canada who provide brailler maintenance and repair services.